How did I get here?
In the last week or two, I have gotten quite preoccupied with fully accepting and growing my spiritual and intuitive aspects. Having grown up as more or less a complete skeptic, needing to touch and feel things in order to believe, I have been nevertheless propelled headlong into the plane of psychic phenomena. It's not an easy transition. Many mentors and teachers have shown up for me along the way, and most recently I have come to depend strongly on my community of (mostly) women intuitives. People have come into my life, both in massage school and since I graduated, that have smoothed the way and helped to answer my floods of questions.
Myra: the first person to tell me that I was an empath, and who began to train me to work with my natural abilities.
Judy and
Gregory: who taught me craniosacral therapy and how to trust my hands as well as all of my senses
Valerie and
Shelley: whose reflective listening and uncanny ability to pick out the important threads from all my blathering help me to clarify what is really going on
Alia and
Valentina: gifted psychics whose vision allowed me to accept the reality of accessing what is beyond the physical realm. (as in
Ghostbusters when Winston says, "This sh*t is REAL.")
Mary Jo, and many others: teachers, colleagues, and friends with whom I can speak openly about the strange things that happen, and of whom I can ask advice when I don't know how to proceed or what to do next.
But I have to go back to the beginning of my journey and most profoundly thank my advisor, colleague, and friend,
Tami Vaughn-Morse. Tami was my biggest gift in
massage school, and certainly is one of the people that I count as the most influential in my entire life. She was my advisor in school, who not only fully and unconditionally accepted me for who I was right away, but taught me, guided me, advised me, listened to me cry, shared my successes, and held the light for me to go into Polarity Therapy training.
Tami is the example for me of how to "walk the walk" when it comes to quiet leadership, showing how to live without attachment to outcome and without expectations, but still to be able to be fully human. She is patient, creative, an excellent teacher not only for school but also for how to live in the world. Through her, I have met so many other deeply wonderful people that I am blessed to know. If I had not met her, the trajectory of my life would have been very different.
So even though it's not any specially designated Day, like sibling day, mother's day, or teacher day -- today is the day that I say THANK YOU to Tami and to all of the people who form my healing community.
(And one last special shout-out to my partner, David, whose affection and guidance in the world of painting has opened me up in the intuitive world too, and given me another community, of artists. More about that in the next post.)